Factors Explaining the Disparate of Pace of Modernization in China and Japan
     Allan COLE

Obstacles to Missionary Success in Nineteenth Century China
     Ellsworth C. CARLSON

A New Concept of Law, A Study of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Political Philosophy
     Liu SHIA-LING

Samurai Conversion: The Case of Kumamoto
     George E. MOORE

Meiji Buddhism: Religion and Patriotism
     Kiyota MINORU

A Translation of "Hokan" by Junichiro Tanizaki
     Edilberto ALEGRE

Korea, Focus of Russo-Japanese Diplomacy (1893-1903)
     I. H. NISH

Japan's Southern Advance: The Indochina Phase
     Stephen UHALLEY Jr.

The Japanese Minority in the Philippines before Pearl Harbor; Social Organization in Davao
     Josefa M. SANIEL

Count Moric Benyovszky: a Hungarian Crusoe in Asia
     Manuel TEIXEIRA

Asia Unity and Disunity: Impressions and Reflections (1964-1965)
     Dai SHEN-YU

Philippine Historical Documents in the National Archives of Mexico

Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal published since 1963 by the Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman. Promoting original and penetrating research, it offers novel and alternative interpretations of Asian experiences, helps deepen the understanding of the region, and enlivens debates on issues affecting Asian peoples and societies. One of the pioneering journals of its kind in Asia, Asian Studies offers a critical, multidisciplinary platform where scholars, practitioners, and activists can publish research that draws on the theories and perspectives from the social sciences, humanities, or cultural studies. Published twice a year, the journal welcomes full-length research articles; commentaries and documents; reviews (films, books, novels, exhibits, plays, websites, etc.); poetry and short fiction; and travel narratives. View content and submission guidelines @ www.asj.upd.edu.ph. Submissions are welcome year-round. Send inquiries/manuscripts to asianstudies@up.edu.ph